Great Lakes Community Planning Resource

Great Lakes Coastal Community Planning Resource

Wisconsin communities located on the Great Lakes shoreline face a variety of challenges in developing comprehensive plans to guide future growth and development. In addition to all the elements of a comprehensive plan that inland communities must address (housing, transportation, infrastructure, land use, etc.) coastal communities also must tackle the preservation and sustainable use of coastal amenities and the reduction of coastal hazards. The Great Lakes Coastal Community Planning site is meant to be used a tool to support planning efforts along the Lake Michigan and Lake Superior coasts of Wisconsin. To access these resources, click on any of the following links provided below or on the left side of the page.

Coastal Planning Guide
The report prepared by the Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission with financial assistance from the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program is available online.

Smart Growth
Learn about “Smart Growth” and Wisconsin’s Comprehensive Planning/Smart Growth Law.

Organizations and Issues
A reference guide for state, regional, and national planning organizations as well as a broad list of planning-related issues for coastal communities.  Issues include: coastal wetlands, exotic species, and more.

Plan Examples
Comprehensive, hazard mitigation, and other plan examples from cities, counties, and other planning entities in Wisconsin.

Laws and Regulations
Resources on coastal laws, regulations, and ordinances that may help planning efforts in coastal communities.

Planning for Coastal Hazards
National legislation, national and state organizations, and tools for the management and mitigation of coastal hazards that may affect communities in Wisconsin

GIS Resources 
Introductory materials on geographic information systems (GIS) and related geospatial technology

News and Events
Events and news websites related to coastal planning.