Wisconsin Sea Grant 2026-28 Omnibus Funding

Full proposal deadline is 3 p.m., CST, Friday, May 2, 2025

The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program is inviting research and education project proposals for the next two-year grant period that begins February 1, 2026. Proposals must be led by an investigator who is a faculty member or person with principal investigator status at their institution in the University of Wisconsin System, or other Wisconsin college or university. The application process involves two steps:

  1. Prospective investigators submit a preproposal by 3 p.m. CST, Friday, January 17, 2025, following these guidelines.
  2. Prospective investigators submit a full proposal by 3 p.m. CDT, Friday, May 2, 2025.

To be eligible to submit a full proposal, applicants MUST submit a preproposal by the preproposal deadline.

All Sea Grant project funds are awarded via a highly competitive process involving external peer reviews and the recommendations of external technical and advisory panels.

Submission of preproposals will be via eDrop, a Web-based proposal submission site hosted by the University of Wisconsin Aquatic Sciences Center (administrative home of the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant College Program). Prior to entering your preproposal in eDrop you need to fill in a Microsoft Word-based preproposal template and CV template. Those templates and full instructions on submitting a preproposal are available now by clicking on the links below.

Application deadlines
Preproposals: 3 p.m., CST, Friday, January 17, 2025.
You MUST submit a preproposal by this deadline to be eligible to submit a full proposal.
Full proposals: 3 p.m., CDT, Friday, May 2, 2025.


2024-26 Wisconsin Sea Grant Omnibus Competition Timeline

Nov. 1, 2024

RFP release

Nov. 15, 2024

Webinar for prospective PIs

Jan. 17, 2025

Preproposals Due

February 2025

Preproposal review panels convened

Late February 2025

PIs notified, full proposal guidelines released

March 7, 2025

Webinar for prospective PIs

May 2, 2025

Full proposals due

May and July

Peer reviews conducted (research proposals)

Early August

Technical review panels convened


Applicants notified of funding decisions

Feb. 1, 2026

Projects begin


Important links

Webinar for Preparing Your Full proposal