Attack Pack: A Grab-and-Go Teaching Tool

Picture of contents of Attack PackThe Aquatic Invaders Attack Pack is a rucksack filled with materials to help teach students and other groups about Great Lakes aquatic invasive species (AIS), the problems they cause and what can be done about them. Each pack includes preserved specimens of some of the most problematic AIS in the Great Lakes, rugged plastic fact sheets and a classroom guide. Additional materials are below.  The packs are designed to complement the Nab the Aquatic Invaders! hosted by Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant.

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Attack Pack Classroom Guide 2018

Attack Pack Aquatic Invader Fact Sheets 2018

Bakaan Ingoji Gaa-ondaadag (Non-local Being) Fact Sheet 2022

Ojibwemowin Vocabulary (with pronunciation key) 2023

What is Wrong with this Picture? 


Attack Pack Lesson Plans, from the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network:

The Attack Packs were created by the Wisconsin Sea Grant with Center for Great Lakes Literacy with generous funding from the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.