Ciscoes, Sweden and Sustainability

What do cows and Sweden have to do with Great Lakes fish roe? Find out by reading about Sharon Moen’s favorite 2023 project.

A peek inside Superior Fresh

Sea Grant Science Communicator Jenna Mertz learns how fish aquaculture water turns into organic greens, both of which reach dinner tables in Wisconsin and beyond!

Eat fish, people!

Continuing Wisconsin Sea Grant’s 50th anniversary blog series, communications student Eva Ryan interviewed Sharon Moen, the Eat Wisconsin Fish outreach specialist. They discussed the past, present and hopes for the future of producing fish in Wisconsin for local and global consumption.

Try Wisconsin fish recipes. Not you, though, zombies

October. In this month of Halloween, thoughts might turn toward ghosts, vampires and skeletons. Zombies, too. October is also Seafood Awareness Month. Moira Harrington, our assistant director for communications, draws the connection between zombies and fish.