An ovenbird rests on a branch in the St. Louis River Estuary. Image credit: National Lake Superior Estuarine Research Reserve
The next River Talk will take place at 7 p.m., Wednesday, April 13, via Zoom. Alexis Grinde with the Natural Resources Research Institute and Cole Wilson with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will present, “Black ash and birds: conserving critical habitat in the St. Louis River Estuary.”
Black ash tree wetlands in the St. Louis River Estuary are unique forests that support diverse bird species. Grinde and Wilson will discuss current research revealing how birds use these habitats and the possible impacts of ash tree death caused by the invasive emerald ash borer.
Here is the Zoom link and info:
Meeting ID: 943 8180 5869
Passcode: 582749
One tap mobile
+19292056099,94381805869# US (New York)
+13017158592,94381805869# US (Washington DC)
The event will last an hour and will include time for comments and questions. The talk will be recorded and posted afterward on the Reserve’s Facebook page and YouTube. A summary will also be posted on Wisconsin Sea Grant’s blog.
The remaining River Talk for this season will be held on May 11. For more information, visit the River Talks page: go.wisc.edu/4uz720.
The River Talks are sponsored by The Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve and the Wisconsin Sea Grant Program.