April 30, 2024
The National Sea Grant College Program is a federal-state-university partnership with 34 programs across the nation, including the Wisconsin program.
Because federal dollars contribute to our ability to meet the needs of Wisconsin’s coastal communities, and in service to the Great Lakes ecosystem, we pay attention to funding levels. For the federal fiscal year of 2024, the National Sea Grant College Program will be funded at $80 million, with an additional $14.1 million for aquaculture.
The program is looking toward the next year, fiscal year 2025 that will begin on Oct. 1, with a request of $145.7 million for the core national work. This includes the amount authorized in law by the National Sea Grant College Program Amendments Act of 2020 ($111.7 million) and additional $34 million to provide each state-based program with an increase of $1 million to directly invest to meet local needs. For Sea Grant Aquaculture research, the program requests $18 million to grow this important industry to meet the nation’s demand for seafood.
The whole Sea Grant program can demonstrate over and over the merit of its efforts and how it puts those dollars to good use. Sea Grant leverages nearly $3 for every $1 appropriated by Congress as it invests those funds directly into state-based priorities. Federal resources, matched by state funds of 50 cents on every dollar, are currently supporting 11 Wisconsin Sea Grant research projects, an education project and dozens of outreach efforts happening from a base on seven Wisconsin campuses. Initiatives include addressing the “forever” chemicals PFAS, research and outreach about marine debris and the transfer of skills and knowledge to the state’s growing $21 million-aquaculture industry.
We are deeply grateful for the confidence Congress has shown in Sea Grant’s promise and delivery, particularly in the areas of resiliency, emerging contaminants, marine debris and addressing the needs of underserved communities.
Finally, and just as importantly, we are deeply grateful to those we serve, along with partners, collaborators and friends who offer an outpouring of support for our work. You know full well that Wisconsin Sea Grant funds lakes Michigan and Superior research, and the application of the research to ensure the sustainable use and conservation of these crown jewels that underpin the quality of life and economy of our state.
If you would like to make a comment to members of Congress regarding the value of Sea Grant, you can find your House of Representatives member at house.gov/representatives/find. Find your senators at senate.gov.
And to learn more about our current projects and impacts, check out this fact sheet.
Thank you,
Christy Remucal
Interim Director, Wisconsin Sea Grant